Monday, March 21, 2011


Indication early cancercous or Tumor generally early with other disease, in research in Tiongkok find reading that people one who is hit by cancer usually there is many stone in its body is including gallstone

And usually lose time its its[his] because symptom initially assumed by run of the mill disease. " Its fact, ill symptom of gallstone it is true loo like once with pain of maag. Do not a few frequent patient shuffle through to doctor and given by drug of maag, but still not goodness

That thing earn happened because sigh felt in place bunch up, namely bounce up and gall-blader, where both located in liver jetty. If one of the this organ experience of chafe, likely much the same to. " Throng predict maag and swell. But after several times inspection in the reality there is stone in its bile channel or poke
To differentiating it with maag, continue doctor which have become best researcher in Faculty of doctor that UI, require to be paid attention pain in bone frequency
" If ill frequency maag usually slowly till finally feel illness so excitement

But if/when illness gallstone sudden arise considerably and later;then can lose off hand," brightness. Chafe at bile channel and poke also generate pain in bone below/under rib bone rather a few/little to right.
Feel pain in bone have potency to of till to starboard waist and right shoulder. If stomach which be angry, its pain in bone felt slimmer to of liver jetty and to is left. " Feel pain usually also happened in 2 till 4 hour after dining fatty food. Incidence of sudden frequently around 9 night till 6 morning
Gallstone, is usually formed in bile poke or in bile channel and liver channel. This stone can trigger to chafe and infection at gall-blader and in other channel if stone go out from bile poke and generate gagging in other channel
" compared to riskier small Fairish gallstone of king sized stone. Because small have opportunity to migrate to other place and trigger other problem
Gallstone do not apprehended by many people, but in fact all needing soybean cake because us most certainly infected. More than anything else because gallstone can end in cancercously. " Cancer alone have never emerged as first disease" word of Dr. Chiu Nan

In bile poke most of all from pregnant us of gallstone. Its difference only in size measure and just amount.. Symptom of[is existence of gallstone usually is full of feeling in stomach used up eat. Likely less complete ingest food. Hard in a condition there [s addition feel pain in bone at kidney
A health book and medication of Professor masterpiece of Lui Chiu Nan with Mandarin printing;mould Ianguage of Taiwan among others there [is] hitting medication of Gallstone with fruits.

According to Professor of Lui this medication have been test-drived by seven case of is including herself all succeeding to release gallstone through to defecate.
Way of this medication is I try according to its guide, two times have succeeded and friend I have three times succeed without failing. Allow me to introduce the way of this medication by translating to become Indonesian so that can be read.
Hopefully patient of gallstone can be healed or at least can lessen its grief.

A. MATERIALS : fresh Red Apple, epsom salts, Oil Olive and fresh lemon fruit.

B. APPLIANCE : Fruit Processor electrics, measuring glass, and plastic mosquito strand of metal which have been assembling according to closet size measure.

C. the WAY OF : Seed Apple thrown later;then in Juice by means of ... electrics processor fruit, dregs throw away, juice 250 drinked by direct cc 1 hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner and before sleep ( become 4 X 250 cc one day ) during 5 day successively. Day to 6 juice only drinking just noon and morning, hereinafter fast but may drink white water, evening at 18.00 drinking 1 white water glass mingle one epsom salts tablespoon and at 20.00 drinking again 1 white water glass mingle 1 Epsom salts tablespoon , at 22.00 drinking 1 / 2 glass of Olive Oil ( 125cc) and ½ lemon glass of juice ( 125 cc ) which have been swirled to flatten.

D. REACT : After drinking epsom salts 2 times will defecate several times, keesokan of its day defecate have to be filtered with mosquito strand of metal, after water take bath, if there are any green colour item, big like green cendol or like sand that's secretory gallstone through dirt, this matter earn exit thrice from morning until evening. Way of this medication of possibility must be done several times depended each condition, if liking to know do there is still or have used up gallstone have to check to Doctor.(Usg)

This Medication can only be conducted to bile the goodness still patient and not yet thick and not yet is stiff.

USEFULNESS : Juice Apple for the melunakan of stone in bile, epsom salts to clean easier stomach so that to look for gallstone in dirt. Olive Oil for the lubrcant of expenditure of stone of bile channel, Lemon of Juice to become smaller gall-blader so that stone which have softened and slippery can depress exit of bile easily.

By Wahyudi

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